Learning Strategy and Design

How to Use Blended Training to Boost Employee Development

Blended training can revolutionise employee development by combining the strengths of traditional face-to-face instruction with the flexibility of online learning. This blog post explores the concept of blended training and considers the benefits of different models, such as the face-to-face driver, rotation, flex, online lab, self-blend, and online driver models. Additionally, we provide practical tips for successfully implementing blended training programmes to ensure enhanced engagement, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for your organisation.

Blended training has the power to revolutionise employee development by combining traditional face-to-face instruction with eLearning. This comprehensive training approach maximises flexibility, engagement, and effectiveness, offering significant benefits for organisations looking to upskill their workforce. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of blended training, explore its benefits and models, and discuss how it can be effectively implemented using platforms like PlutoLMS.

What is Blended Training?

Blended training, also known as hybrid learning, integrates online training materials and interactive online experiences with traditional in-person methods. This approach allows employees to benefit from the strengths of both in-person and digital learning, providing a versatile and adaptive learning environment.

Benefits of Blended Training in Employee Development

By leveraging the strengths of both traditional and digital learning environments, organisations that recognise and harness the benefits of blended training can optimise the skills and productivity of their employees. This is because blended training offers a multifaceted approach to professional development that provides significant advantages for both employees and organisations. Employees benefit from the flexibility to learn at their own pace and access resources anytime, enhancing their engagement and retention of knowledge. For the organisation, blended training can lead to cost savings, improved training effectiveness, and higher employee performance.

1. Flexibility and Accessibility

One of the primary advantages of blended training is the flexibility it offers. Employees can access training materials anytime, anywhere, which is particularly beneficial for organisations with geographically dispersed teams. This accessibility ensures that all employees can participate in training sessions, regardless of their location or schedule constraints.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Blended training can significantly reduce training costs. By integrating online learning components, organisations can minimise expenses related to travel, accommodation, and venue hire. Digital resources can be reused and updated with minimal cost, providing long-term savings.

3. Enhanced Engagement

Combining different learning modalities keeps employees engaged and motivated. Interactive online elements, such as quizzes, videos, and discussion forums, complement traditional training sessions and hands-on activities, catering to various learning styles and preferences.

4. Personalised Learning

Blended training allows for personalised learning experiences. Employees can progress at their own pace, revisit challenging concepts, and access additional resources as needed. This personalisation ensures that each employee receives the support they need to succeed.

5. Improved Retention and Application

Research shows that blended learning can improve knowledge retention and application. The combination of theoretical and practical training helps reinforce learning, enabling employees to better retain and apply new skills in their roles.

Models of Blended Training

There are several models of blended training that offer a variety of approaches to suit different organisational needs and learning objectives. Whether prioritising face-to-face interaction, leveraging the flexibility of online learning, or combining both, these models provide a framework for effective employee development. By understanding and implementing the appropriate blended training model, organisations can design effective training programmes that improve employee engagement and drive overall business success.  

1. Face-to-Face Driver Model

In the face-to-face driver model, traditional in-person instruction serves as the core of the training programme, with online resources used to supplement the learning experience. This model is particularly effective for subjects that require hands-on practice, direct instructor guidance, and real-time interaction.

When to use:
  • Ideal for training that involves complex, practical skills such as machinery operation, laboratory techniques, or clinical procedures.
  • Suitable for new hire orientations where immediate feedback and personal interaction are crucial.
  • Best for scenarios where a high level of instructor control and monitoring is needed.
  • Provides immediate clarification and feedback.
  • Fosters interpersonal skills and teamwork through face-to-face interactions.
  • Enables instructors to adapt quickly to the needs of the learners in real-time.

2. Rotation Model

The rotation model involves employees rotating between different learning modalities, such as online learning, classroom activities, and one-on-one coaching. This model provides a balanced and varied learning experience, catering to diverse learning styles and keeping learners engaged.

When to use:
  • Effective for comprehensive training programmes that cover a wide range of skills and knowledge areas.
  • Suitable for organisations with diverse teams, where different learning styles need to be accommodated.
  • Ideal for continuous professional development programmes where ongoing learning is essential.
  • Keeps training dynamic and engaging by varying the instructional methods.
  • Allows for personalised learning experiences as employees can spend more time on areas where they need improvement.
  • Facilitates better retention and application of knowledge by providing multiple touchpoints for learning.

3. Flex Model

In the flex model, the primary mode of learning is online, with instructors providing support as needed. This model is effective for self-paced learning environments, allowing employees to take control of their learning journey and proceed at their own pace.

When to use:
  • Best for training programmes where learners need to manage their own schedules, such as sales teams or remote workers.
  • Suitable for technical training or certifications that require in-depth study and practice.
  • Ideal for learners who are self-motivated and prefer to learn independently.
  • Offers maximum flexibility, allowing employees to learn at their convenience.
  • Reduces the need for physical training facilities and in-person instruction.
  • Provides ample opportunities for self-assessment and reflection.

4. Online Lab Model

The online lab model involves employees learning in a physical classroom but engaging with the material online. This hybrid solution is suitable for organisations with limited resources for full-time online learning but still needing a structured environment.

When to use:
  • Ideal for technical training that requires both theoretical understanding and practical application, such as software development or scientific research.
  • Suitable for organisations transitioning to digital training methods but still needing in-person support.
  • Best for training programmes that benefit from a collaborative classroom environment while leveraging digital content.
  • Combines the advantages of both in-person and online learning.
  • Facilitates immediate support and collaboration while accessing comprehensive online resources.
  • Helps bridge the gap between traditional and modern training methods.

5. Self-Blend Model

In the self-blend model, employees choose to supplement their traditional training with additional online courses. This model offers flexibility and control over the learning process, allowing employees to pursue topics of interest at their own pace.

When to use:
  • Suitable for organisations that encourage continuous learning and professional development.
  • Ideal for employees who wish to deepen their knowledge in specific areas beyond the core training programme.
  • Best for creating a personalised learning experience where employees can explore additional resources based on their interests and career goals.
  • Empowers employees to take ownership of their learning journey.
  • Provides opportunities for employees to expand their skill sets and knowledge base.
  • Enhances engagement and motivation by allowing employees to follow their passions and interests.

6. Online Driver Model

The online driver model consists of entirely online courses with occasional face-to-face interactions. This model is ideal for remote learners or those needing flexible schedules, providing a fully digital learning experience with the option for periodic in-person support.

When to use:
  • Best for organisations with a remote workforce or multiple locations.
  • Suitable for training programmes that can be effectively delivered through digital content, such as compliance training or software tutorials.
  • Ideal for employees who need the flexibility to learn on their own time but still benefit from occasional in-person interaction.
  • Provides the ultimate flexibility for both learners and instructors.
  • Reduces logistical challenges and costs associated with in-person training.
  • Ensures consistency in training delivery across different locations and time zones.

Implementing Blended Training

An LMS is a versatile platform that supports the effective implementation of blended training programmes. Here’s how organisations can leverage platforms like PlutoLMS to enhance their employee training initiatives:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Establishing clear training objectives is crucial. Determine what skills or knowledge employees need to acquire and how the blended training programme will help achieve these goals. Use SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to define these objectives.

2. Design Interactive Content

Engaging content is key to successful blended training. An advanced LMS should provide tools to create interactive elements such as quizzes, videos, and discussion forums. These features enhance engagement and improve knowledge retention.

3. Leverage Technology

Choose the right technology to support your blended training programme. An LMS typically integrates with various tools and platforms, such as Microsoft and Google, to provide a seamless learning experience. Ensure the technology is user-friendly and supports multiple learning activities.

4. Provide Ongoing Support

Offer training and support for both instructors and employees to ensure they are comfortable with the blended learning model and the tools used.

5. Evaluate and Improve

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the blended training programme. Organisations can use analytics and reporting features on an LMS to track progress, measure outcomes, and identify areas for improvement. Gather feedback from employees to make necessary adjustments and enhance the training experience.

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Case Study: Enhancing Employee Training with PlutoLMS

Let’s consider a hypothetical case study of a company that successfully implemented a blended training programme using PlutoLMS.

Company: Tech Innovators Ltd.

Challenge: Tech Innovators Ltd. wanted to upskill their employees in the latest software development methodologies while reducing training costs and maintaining high engagement levels.

Solution: The company implemented a blended training programme using PlutoLMS. They combined online courses on software development with in-person workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions.


  • Online Learning: Employees accessed a series of online courses on software development, featuring video lectures, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums.
  • In-Person Workshops: The company organised monthly workshops where employees could practice their skills hands-on and receive guidance from experts.
  • Coaching Sessions: Employees had the option to schedule one-on-one coaching sessions with senior developers for personalised support and mentorship.


  • Increased Engagement: The interactive online courses and engaging workshops kept employees motivated and interested in the training programme.
  • Improved Skills: Employees reported a significant improvement in their software development skills, which translated into better job performance and productivity.
  • Cost Savings: The blended training approach reduced travel and accommodation costs, as most learning occurred online.

Tips for Successful Blended Training with PlutoLMS

Implementing a blended training programme can be highly effective, but it requires careful planning and execution to maximise its benefits. Consider the following strategies to create dynamic and engaging blended training programmes and tips on how PlutoLMS can help you achieve this:

1. Ensure Consistent Communication

Maintain clear and consistent communication with employees throughout the training programme. PlutoLMS has messaging and notification features that make it easy to keep employees informed about upcoming sessions, deadlines, and updates.

2. Foster a Collaborative Learning Environment

Collaborative learning helps employees learn from each other and fosters a sense of community. Encourage collaboration among employees by using PlutoLMS to power online group activities, discussion forums, and peer reviews.

3. Use Data to Drive Decisions

Leverage data and analytics to inform your training strategy. PlutoLMS provides detailed reports on employee progress and performance, enabling you to identify trends, track outcomes, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Provide Continuous Feedback

Constructive feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, motivating them to continue learning and growing. The native assessment tools on PlutoLMS enable you to offer regular feedback to employees on their progress.

5. Stay Updated with Trends

Keep abreast of the latest trends and best practices in blended learning. Regularly update your training materials and methods to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Future of Blended Training

Blended training is poised to become even more integral to employee development as organisations continue to embrace digital transformation. Advances in technology, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, will further enhance the capabilities of blended training, providing more immersive and personalised learning experiences.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can play a significant role in personalising the learning experience. AI-driven analytics can provide insights into employee learning patterns, enabling organisations to tailor content and support to individual needs.

2. Virtual Reality (VR)

VR offers immersive learning experiences that can simulate real-world scenarios. This technology is particularly useful for training in complex or high-risk environments, providing hands-on practice in a safe and controlled setting.

3. Microlearning

Micro-learning involves delivering content in small, bite-sized modules that employees can easily consume in short periods. This approach aligns well with blended training, providing flexibility and enhancing knowledge retention.


Blended training represents a powerful approach to employee development, combining the best of online and in-person learning to create a flexible, engaging, and effective training experience. By leveraging platforms like PlutoLMS, organisations can implement comprehensive blended training programmes that enhance skills, improve performance, and drive business success.

Reach out to the PlutoLMS Team today to learn how we can help you maximise the benefits of blended training for your employee development.

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