Your Guide to Tracking Internal Staff Training

All companies must frequently monitor staff if they want to improve their productivity levels. By evaluating staff performance, one can determine whether or not their performance is lower than what is needed to meet the company’s objectives.

It is typically the responsibility of the HR department to regularly monitor the performance of workers. This must monitor, assign, and supervise all the tasks that the employees perform..

Do you know how to keep track of employees? If you work as an HR manager, you should know what monitoring methods exist to assess whether or not the company’s objectives are being met. 

1) What is a personnel follow-up procedure?

The personnel monitoring procedure is a set of actions designed to assess the performance of a company employees. Many factors influence work performance, such as the emotional state of workers, how comfortable they feel in their job, whether they have sufficient and adequate means to carry out their work, whether there is good communication with their superiors, and with their colleagues., etc.

2) What aspects should be evaluated when monitoring personnel?

To control the employee performance, it is necessary to have information about the jobs, know the objectives of the company, know if the workers have a participatory attitude, take into account the assessment made by the supervisor or evaluator, and consider the objectives worker’s personal.

In other words, five areas should be evaluated during a personnel monitoring process:


Productivity and quality of work

Productivity is the amount of work an employee performs during their working day. To improve productivity, it is necessary to provide workers with tools and efficient work processes, without at any time deteriorating the quality of the work performed.



Efficiency is the ability of employee to perform their tasks optimally in the shortest possible time. To increase the efficiency of a worker it will be necessary to provide him with the most appropriate work techniques.


The formation

It is necessary to assess whether the employee has sufficient training to perform his/her job effectively. If not, it will be necessary for the employee to attend events, congresses, talks, seminars, and courses to acquire the appropriate training to work.


The objectives

When monitoring personnel, it is necessary to check whether the employees know the objectives they must achieve with their work, if not, they must be communicated. Workers must know what is expected of them.


The attitude of the employee

For employees to perform well, it is necessary to know if they are happy in the company. It is convenient to have feedback with them regularly to see if they are satisfied and committed to the company, and if they are not, you have to listen to them to ensure that they are.

Start monitoring personnel

3) What is the objective of personnel monitoring in a company?

The objectives pursued when carrying out a employee control are:

  • Improve employee performance.
  • Reward those employees who meet their objectives efficiently.
  • Keeping workers happy and involved.
  • Allow and encourage workers to develop professionally.
  • Verify that employees have all the necessary information about the objectives of the company and its functions.
  • Check if workers are adequately trained to perform their duties optimally.
  • Examine whether employees have all the tools and work processes to carry out their tasks.

4) How can a staff follow-up be carried out?

There are various ways and formats to track staff, and as a representative of the human resources department, you must choose the one that helps achieve the objectives of your company.

Methods performed by an evaluator or supervisor

They are, in general, printed rating scales that you must give to the supervisor or evaluator for follow-up. The supervisor must have sensitivity and empathy to listen to workers and understand their needs. To do this, there are several methods.


Rating scales

The evaluator scores within a scale, which goes from fewer points to more points, the performance of the worker in his/her job.


Forced selection

With this method, the evaluator must select the phrase that best describes the worker’s performance.


Record of critical events

The evaluator must write down the most important actions that the employee has carried out in a notebook daily.


Behavioral rating

It is a system based on comparing the attitude of the worker in the performance of their tasks with certain behavioral parameters.


Forced distribution

The evaluator must place the workers in different classifications.


Group assessment

They are methods to compare the performance of a worker with that of the rest of her co-workers.



In these methods, it is the workers themselves who evaluate themselves by carrying out a study on their work performance in the company. Conveniently, self-assessments are carried out only by those workers who are most committed to the company.


Psychological evaluations

They are evaluations carried out by psychologists to determine the potential that each worker has and their degree of commitment to the company.


Target assignment

The supervisor and the appraised meet to establish desirable work objectives between them.


Superior evaluation

It is the evaluation that bosses make of their subordinates.


Peer evaluation

This method is very useful in personnel monitoring because the evaluation is carried out between employees at the same level or position.


Evaluation of subordinates

It is the evaluation that employees make of their bosses.


Customer evaluation

It is the clients themselves who evaluate the worker.


360º evaluation

It is the one that collects all the evaluation methods that we have discussed. It is the most complex to apply, but also the one that provides the greatest reliability in the results.


Computer monitoring

They are methods that use the Internet, they are applications or software that allow controlling the performance of workers in a fast and reliable way. Today they are widely used.

In all these systems of evaluating the work carried out by employees, care must be taken not to violate the right to privacy of workers.

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5) Personnel follow-up interviews

Once the results of the evaluation of the workers are available, it is time for the supervisor or the boss herself to do the personnel follow-up interview. Before doing it, the questions to be asked of the staff must be prepared according to the results obtained, and a calm and adequate environment must be prepared that favors communication with the worker.

In the interview, the results must be communicated to the worker. There will also be a dialogue about how she carries out her work, the quantity and quality of the work she does, the knowledge she has about the job she performs, the relationship with her colleagues if she has the necessary means to do her job

6) Result of the workers' monitoring process

Once the interview has been carried out, the results of the evaluation and the method used must be reflected in writing. It will also be attached in writing: The performance of the worker in her job.

7) Actions to be taken to improve employee performance if necessary

Establish compensation policies to reward workers who have done their jobs effectively.

Tracking personnel is essential to achieve the objectives of a company. If workers are motivated and have the necessary means to adequately develop their position, they will be more productive. Now you just have to decide which of the existing methods can help you meet your business objectives and put them into practice. And don’t forget that you have to do it regularly!

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